Mekanisme Penyelesaian Konflik Nelayan
Di Pantai Puger Kabupaten Jember
Setiawan Nurdayasakti
Aan Eko Widiarto
Faizin Sulistio
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang Jl. MT Haryono No 169
Abstract :
Interaction among fisherman in the activity of fishing is potential to result conflict. Factor of the conflict can be related to the area of fishing, equipments of fishing and attitudes. These kinds of conflict can be categorized as horizontal conflict. Besides, vertical conflict can also happen in the community of fisherman. The conflicts happen among the fisherman and government. Policies of the government, especially the policies that are not in accordance with the fisherman need can be the factor of conflicts. The policy of the government, especially local government that is not in accordance with the fisherman need is the policy to explore the natural resourches. This policy is based on the government need to increase the income.This research ants to learn the mechanisms that are applicated by the fishermen to solve the conflict. They have their own internal mechanism to solve the conflict. This kind of mechanism have raised among their community since long time ago.
Key word: conflict, fishermanMekanisme ian Konflik Nelayan
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